Per CDC:
CDC collects reports of enteric illness outbreaks caused by bacterial, viral, parasitic, chemical, toxin, and indeterminate/unknown agents, as well as reports of foodborne and waterborne outbreaks of diseases that are not enteric and certain fungal disease outbreaks.
NORS is a web-based platform that local, state, and territorial health departments in the United States use to enter outbreak information. In NORS, an outbreak is defined as two or more cases of similar illness associated with a common exposure.
Information can be viewed on the CDC website regarding any current US Outbreaks and/or International Outbreaks. International Travel Notices and Outbreak Resources are also made available through the website.
To learn more visit: CDC Current Outbreak List | Outbreaks | CDC
Foodborne Outbreaks: Multistate Foodborne Outbreak Notices | Foodborne outbreaks | CDC